Monday, June 2, 2008

Awesome links for Awesome people

Hey if you read my blog from time to time, first of all, thank you. Secondly I'm going to link you up right today.

It's summer so really you should be outside playing frisbee, golf, swimming, drawing with chalk on the sidewalk, getting to know your neighbor, volunteering, riding bikes, swinging on a tire swing, planting or tending to your garden, laying out, playing tennis, shooting hoops, hiking in your local woods while you still have them, laying under the clouds and/or stars with someone etc.

However if for some reason you're stuck inside like me you might be able to make use of these sites I'm going to share where I can watch tv as if I have cable. live. just like that. No downloading, therefor I'm doing nothing illegal. I watched the Pens WINNING game of the Stanley Cup Playoffs on NBC while my friends that pay for cable were also watching at their houses.

catch what I'm throwing? If not please turn off the internet, because it's not for you.

This is the link for the live stuff, it's mostly sports, which is awesome for me. Sometimes there are shows on there too. If anyone can find a way to watch MTV live or other channels I would GREATLY appreciate the 1337 love. :)

This is the link to watch movies from home, even ones still in the theaters. Downfalls: sometimes but not always you have to watch it in parts. not a big deal. but kind of annoying. If you download Veoh for free than anytime they have a veoh link you can watch it in full, full screen. Is nice, I like.

This is the link that has almost every tv show, up to date within a day of the new release, every season in order with brief synopsis's of every episode. They'll give you many many choices of links for each episode. Not all of them have the same choices but if you can find these use them, I put them in order with the best one first.

ok now get up go do something outside. If you can.

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