I've always thought that "Is the glass half full or half empty" question was stupid and the people that answered it without thinking were even more stupid than the question itself. If you just filled the glass halfway up then it's half full and if you just poured out half the glass then it's half empty. It would depend on the state of the glass prior to the half way mark. Either way I know the point of the question and I like to think of myself as a "glass half full" kind of person, and also a long winded kind of person. Ha!
I have been focusing so much on the things I can not do while I'm stuck in bed and focused so much on myself that I forgot to be thankful. This very unexpected and LONG resting period is nice especially after the hustle and bustle of being home and out all night the week before and after the trip (and during the trip) It's nice that I can't really sit at the computer for longer than ten minutes at a time and I should be using this time to write to my grandmother's and loved ones and practice my art and think out what my game plan for summer is. Luckily I have fall figured out. I should be thankful for time to read and time to rest. I should be thankful that I'll never have to deal with this again. I should be thankful that my boss is very understanding about my time off. I should be thankful that this happened after my semester ended and there is nothing too pressing going on while I'm down and I am thankful for these things, but sometimes I forget.
I am thankful for my roommate. I love Christina, she is such an amazing person. She came home from work right away to take me to the ER and she sat by my side trying to make me laugh and ease my mind while they cut away. She even held my hand, the poor girl. She's gone and run my errands for me while I'm in bed and she even brought me my favorite flowers from the farmers market. No one has ever gotten me wildflowers before other than the ones my mom picked for me growing up. She has sat here and listened to my endless hours of social garbage and watched tv with me and cooked delicious salmon for us!!!! If I would stop thinking about myself for two seconds I would have realized I have people around me that really care and are really good people. My phone hasn't stopped ringing since last week.
haha this blog isn't supposed to be about me, which is kind of funny considering the content of this post, and maybe it's the pain meds talking, but thank you everyone for the thoughts, prayers, and care. I really appreciate it more than you know :)
I have a doctors appointment June 4th to see if I can get the catheter out, please keep your fingers crossed for me!!!!! I called this morning to see if I could do it sooner and I got a firm "no". haha no harm in trying.
Now don't get me started on that chicken and his egg!!

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