Friday, January 11, 2008

The nighmare trying to find this DVD

Funny story. It was 1993, November to be exact, and I was in elementary school planning my yearly birthday blowout extravaganza. The plans were to go to a movie at the local theater, Carmike Cinemas to be exact. The theater that changed my life. Then off to dinner at Leonardo's in beautiful Victorian downtown Franklin (a wonderful way to spend the day). I had my heart set on the new Burton flick that had come out (I've always been a die hard fan of his) called "The Nightmare Before Christmas". My parents on the other hand had the idea that the movie was too dark for kids my age (MY PARENTS?! Come on!) and decided that "The Beverly Hillbilly's" was a more appropriate choice. Mehr. I was never one to complain and I was appreciative of my party so on with the party we went.

Well now I'm older and I have seen every single Burton flick out there, except this one. (and Sweeney Todd which will soon change) I decided to start collecting his DVD's and I was rummaging through trying to find "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and to my surprise it was $23.00. I'm not one to purchase DVDs as it is and I am certainly not going to spend $23.00 on a single DVD on Amazon of all places.

I ventured to Wal Mart, Target, looked up Best Buy and Circuit City. I even resorted to Ebay with no luck.

Can anyone out there tell me why I can't find this movie and why it is so expensive on Amazon? I would really like to see it and would really love to own it. What's the deal?


I found the movie for free (I wont say how) and I now own it. I watched it and I'm really glad I didn't buy it for $23. It is my least favorite Burton Flick. I couldn't stand Sally's voice and it was really really dumbed down and throwing moral after moral at me. I don't like that in my movies. I give it a 2 star rating.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you didnt tell me! - i had no idea. Its a great movie!