Sunday, November 9, 2008


Wash, Ad, Je, Mad, Mon, Ad, Jack, Van, Har, Ty, Po, Tay, Fil, Pie, Buch, Lin, John, Grant, Hay, Gar, Ar, Cleve, Har, Cleve, Mc, Roo, Ta, Wil, Har, Coo, Hoo, Roo, Tru, Ei, Ken, John, Nix, Ford, Car, Reag, Bush, Clint, Bush, O!!!!

I spent election night with my good friend Jenny. We watched the states change colors until finally Barack won!! Then we took it to the streets! We ran down the street yelling for Obama and high fiving everyone we passed. Kirkwood was alive all night. There were musicians on the corner, cars honking, people cheering and hugging in the streets. It was a beautiful day in history and I'm glad it happened during my lifetime!!


1 comment:

Emilie May said...

dude, best song ever. no wonder G liked being called G. Or was it Je for Jefferson? oh wait... gilhausen. oh yeah.