Life has been so good lately, this has been the first good year in a while and I am enjoying every minute of it, although it's also one of the fastest years I've ever had.
I'm getting ready to schedule for the fall semester and I finally found out what I want to do in life, I couldn't be happier about that. My new major is something I have been doing in my spare time since 2003 and I can't believe there are actually jobs out there that pay well to do it. I am very excited to get the formal training, it's making full time schooling exciting again.
I went to the doctors for a checkup from surgery a couple days ago and it seems as though I am fixed for life on that issue. That alone could keep me smiling for a year.
August 18th I will see you South Florida!! Emilie and I planned a trip down to see Grandma and Ben and finally get to do all our favorite things we did as kids in Florida and I am so excited. Andy and Naomi will be joining us for some of the trip as well, it's going to be a full house!! It's going to be awesome, and I start my fall semester the day I get back in Indiana. Perfect way to end my summer, staying busy, and having fun.
I just got a blessing at the institute building and I'm busting out my patriarchal blessing for a quick review.
Work has been going really well, I'm still at Greetings and still loving it and my coworkers/bosses etc. I don't enjoy the customers always though, ha! DONT UNFOLD TSHIRTS AT THE STORE!!!
I also couldn't be happier with the way I've been spending my evenings/weekends for the past few months.
It seems as though everything is coming up Melissa. ha!!
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