Imagine going to the grocery store and having someone come up to you and the conversation going like this:
Them: Hey (your name) I haven't seen you in forever how are you?!
you: (I don't recognize this person, but they seem kinda familiar) Hey!! I know how have you been?
Them: Really good! It was so nice to see you!
You:(phew, they couldn't tell) I know you'll have to call me sometime! Bye!
Them: I will! Bye!
or even worse you're at a party and this happens and you're stuck in the situation where you need to introduce people. ugh. the worst right?
Well imagine that happening with almost every face aside from people you see often and you will know what it's like for my Grandma Edwards and myself. We can recognize you through verbal cues or if we always see you in the same place (like a doctor - right g-ma hehe), but switch anything up on us and we're lost. I've gotten to the point where I tell people this when I meet them to avoid an awkward run-in later and most people just laugh it off like I'm not being that serious. They have no idea how awkward it is for us.
Apparently you can become Prosopagnosic or face-blind two different ways. You can be born that way making it hereditary (like me and my grams) or you can get it from a blow to the head or a stroke. (I wonder if redheads are more likely to have it?)
According to Harvard's medical research it can come accompanied by other types of recognition impairments such as place recognition, car recognition, facial expression of emotion, etc. So maybe this explains why I'm so horrid finding my way around....anywhere... haha and hence the joke "I don't even know half the people I know"

1 comment:
no, blondes(or light-browns, depending on how you look at it) have the same problem. it's terrible, isn't it? is there a cure?
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